Illuminated Path

Walk on the path directed by GodThe path of compassion and kindnessThe path of righteousness and truthfulnessThe path of benevolence and perseverance Walking on His pathWashes away all the sinsThe Spiritually illuminated soulUnderstands the true purpose of lifeAnd wins immortality out of the mortal existence . Literature learners


Be thankful for His blessings . Gratitude for what one is blessed with attracts positive energy which further increases the count of blessings exponentially. Gratitude leads to peace and tranquility. A tranquil and peaceful mind leads to genesis of joy , courage , enthusiasm , prosperity , good health , good luck and success. HavingContinue reading “Gratitude”

Thoughts to Inspire

“Appreciation is A GreatMotivational Force.It Infuses New EnergyMakes One Believe In ONESELFAnd Achieve Miraculous Results.” “ Your Words Make A Difference Spread the Sunshine “ Literature learners

Accept And Act

Acceptance and Action go togetherBoth are the magical keys to happiness. Accept your shortcomingsDenial will be painfulAccept and act to overcome them. Accept the challengesWith an indomitable will powerToil to win over them. Accept the people as they areAcceptance is the first step to true friendshipIt is a magical key that opensThe door of loveContinue reading “Accept And Act”

Lessons To Inspire

Things Look Difficult Until You BeginOnce Started You Will FindThe Impediments Which You Were Fearful OfThe Impediments Which Looked Like The Majestic MountainsTo Your Fearful HeartWere Nothing But Tiny Pebbles In Your Way. Literature learners

Thought For The Day

“Today Is A Wonderful OpportunityTo Realise Your DreamsTo Learn New ThingsTo Be Kind To EveryoneTo Be BenevolentTo Be CaringTo Spread HappinessTo Sing His Grace.” Literature learners

A Ray OF Hope

Be A Ray of Hope In testing timesA Smile On A Gloomy FaceA Spark In The Dejected EyesAn Inspiring Heart Inspiring MassesZealous and Dedicated To People’s causeTaking Pride in Their Accomplishments ..A trailblazer setting new path.. A Harbinger Of PeaceA compassionate soul loving all.. Literature learners

All is Life

“All is Life” is a beautiful poem written by Ruskin Bond .Each and every line of the poem is brimming with life.It exquisitely brings out the essence of life. Life is all about loving each other ; being kind to others; loving Mother Nature ; enjoying little moments ; spending quality time , being benevolent;Continue reading “All is Life”

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