
“Patience is the companion of wisdom .” It is the acceptance of the fact that things can go contrary to your plans . It is not only the acceptance of the situation but working on the best possible alternatives without getting perturbed . It is an effort to get the things right without losing temperContinue reading “Patience”

Nurture Your Mind

Nurture Your Mind Take care of your mind . It rules your personality and provides you an individuality which is unique. Nurturing of mind is very important not only for oneself but for the entire society. It must be nurtured with positivity , love and care . Mind is analogous to a garden. . AContinue reading “Nurture Your Mind”

21st Century Learners

“A 21st century learner needs tolearn , unlearn and relearn.Adaptability is the new success mantra.” With emerging technologies, new inventions and new development in all phases of life ,the 21st century learner needs to adapt himself with the changing scenarios and changing times .With old technologies becoming obsolete in no time ;learning , unlearning andContinue reading “21st Century Learners”

Declutter for a Happy Existence

Decluttering must be an  essential part of our life .Imagine your own house if you donot get rid of the clutter regularly . The clutter will occupy all the corners of your house and there will be no place for the things which you always wished to have. This is accumulating clutter on the physicalContinue reading “Declutter for a Happy Existence”

Detachment and Happiness.

Happiness is a journey ,it is a way to life .As we move ahead , we develop attachment to people , things ,work , work places and many other things which is quite natural . Our family , relatives , friends , community, work places in a way define us .Effective communication skills , compassionContinue reading “Detachment and Happiness.”

Being Responsive. “When We React To A SituationWe Worsen It. When We Respond To A Situation We Make It better “ At times, we are in some unpleasant situation, it can be something trivial or serious. Our response to such situation demands that we think and try to understand it.We must look at the situation keeping in mind others’ perspective as well. The moment we learn to respond to the situation , we will find that actually it was not so unpleasant or unfavourable . It was our mindset which actually worsened it . Instead of responding we reacted to it and the result was disastrous. Whenever we blew out in anger, became judgemental ,we not only hurt others but ourselves as well.In such cases, we always regret our reaction and wished that we would have kept ourselves poised and cool .Responding to a situation can be easily achieved by practising meditation, thinking before acting , objective analysis of the situation and empathizing with others.Our response to a situation will open multiple options in front of us whereas reacting to it will close all the options. Responding to a situation is just like having the master key. Keep that master key safely with you and use it for a peaceful and happy life.

Literature learners

Lessons To Inspire

Things Look Difficult Until You BeginOnce Started You Will FindThe Impediments Which You Were Fearful OfThe Impediments Which Looked Like The Majestic MountainsTo Your Fearful HeartWere Nothing But Tiny Pebbles In Your Way. Literature learners

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