Being Responsive

“Don’t react to a situation Rather respond to it And find out the best way to deal with it.

Reacting to a situation doesn’t involve the thinking process .As one faces the situation, he reacts immediately without analyzing the pros and cons of the situation. It is just like losing control on oneself and bursting out. It is an emotional outburst and puts both the parties in an awkward situation. Both the parties concerned could be seen exchanging heated arguments, blowing in anger and in worst situation physically harming each other and carrying mental bruises forever .

The same thing could have been avoided if the person has chosen response over reaction ; if he would have taken a pause and given a thought to the situation. This pause would have made a great difference. Probably it would have given him a true insight into the situation . It would have made him act wisely. It would have saved him from an embarrassing situation. It would have saved him from the regret that always accompany a person who reacts to a situation. How useful this momentary pause would be ! It would save relationships . It would keep the person away from the controversies , ill reputation ,malice ,hatred ,revenge ,negativity and resulting health issues.

Responding to a situation can be learned by practice. Some of the techniques that can help us master being responsive are :
1.Make it a habit to pause and reflect before jumping to the conclusion. Keep reminding yourself that I will keep calm and decide whatever the situation may be.

2.Practice meditation regularly. Meditation keeps one calm . It makes one understand the futility of impulsive actions . It helps one to be at peace with oneself and with others . It gives one a broader outlook towards life and achieve a perfect control over once emotions.

3.Divert the mind towards other things. The moment you feel that the situation is making you lose your self control . Think of other things that are of your interest. For instance listen to the music , talk to a friend , think of your favourite game , think of your favourite memories , count till hundred , remember God ; remind yourself that you are stronger than the situation and you will not lose control on yourself. Once you try to make efforts , your thought process takes a turn and the given situation starts sounding insignificant.
4.Practice empathy – Imagine yourself in others shoes. This will change your perspective and your outlook towards the given situation.

Remind yourself that you will be mindful of your actions . You will not harm yourself and others by reacting to the situation . Whatever the situation may be , you will mindfully respond to it and spread love and peace all around .

Pavneet Kaur

Published by Literature learners

An optimistic learner fond of reading and writing.

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